Sunday, November 7, 2010

My heart is full...

My 7 year old taught us an amazing lesson on the power of prayer last night and how much it can change lives.  She planned her lesson, made her visuals, gathered us together, and made my heart even more full of love and appreciation for her.  I am so grateful for my girls...I can't imagine what my life with be without their love!


Laurene said...

You and your loved ones have given her such fertile ground in which to root and blossom. It's wonderful that she took such initiative on her own!

Auna Leigh said...

So glad all is well! Can't tell you the love, adoration, joy all mixed up i have for you!!! you are seriously one lucky and amazing woman!!! love you!

Judaloo said...

I must admit, you have some amazing girls! But of course they are amazing, look who their Mom is!!!

Tracey said...

I can't say that I am surprised... I just want to know if she laminated her visuals! :)

Kelly said...

How sweet! Were her visuals laminated? After all, she is your daughter.

I just noticed that Tracey beat me too it, but its true!