Saturday, June 19, 2010

You take the take the bad...

Yes, you all know the song..."you take them both and then you have the facts of life!"  Isn't that so true...some things in life you just can change, or fix, or sugarcoat.  I have been dealing with some of those things...  they are the facts of MY life.  I know you all have your own. :)

I am overdue in posting, but this week they couldn't do my regular infusion.  They always do bloodwork and a doctors appt before my chemo and this week my platelets were too low.  For those that don't know, platelets are what helps your blood clot.  There is nothing that they can give me to help raise my platelet levels, so we just need to wait.  I am getting several bruises, nose bleeds, and red spots on my skin that they say are normal with low platelets.  This happens with chemo and will hopefully clear up in the next week so that I can continue with my treatment.    The other thing they found is that I have a pretty horrible urinary tract infection.  I have been having abdominal pain, but I have abdominal cancer...and have had several surgeries that are still tender, and have had some pretty severe bowel I didn't suspect anything else.  I have been dehydrated since early April and you run a high risk of a UTI if you are dehydrated.  I wish we would have found it sooner, but I am glad to know I got the right antibiotics.  I am hoping that was the culprit for some of the pain I have been having.

My hair is starting to fall out even faster.  If I go to fix it, brush it, wash it...or wake up in the morning...there will be a handfull of hair.  It is amazing that I still have any.  I am SO grateful it was so thick to start out with!  I am still hooked up to a continuous pump and constantly have tubes hanging out of my shirt.  I am slowly getting used to it.  Other than that, I am truthfully feeling under the weather.  I would give anything to be able to be at the pool with my husband and kids right now.  I feel bad being such a downer this summer...but I HAVE to do this.  I want to be around for MANY more summers!  I will redeem myself and remind my kids that they have a FUN mom someday soon!  Thanks for letting me vent...I feel better already!


Auna Leigh said...

anytime lady, anytime! It's good to vent! and truthfully that wasn't a good vent. mine usually include a few curse words. but i know it's best to leave those out for our future posterity. Keep kicking it girl! and personally i think you should shave it. bald chicks are HOT! and it's hot outside. Why not?! Shanda- you really do amaze me! thanks for being you and super positive! LOVE YOU!

Shellie said...

Always here to listen. You're awesome, Shanda. Keep it up. :)

Laurene said...

I want to understand and I need to be more compassionate, so thank you again for your candidness. I am so sorry that you are going through all this and just hope and pray for many perks, giggles, and joy sprinkled through your days and nights. You are definitely my heroine.(No pun intended!)

reverseoreo said...

Shand you can call any time whenyou need to vent or chat. I would be glad to listen. Know that I am always just a phone call away. I am glad you had a great time. Annette