Saturday, September 3, 2011

I have SO much to blog...but for today...

I wanted to show you that we are enjoying every last minute of warm, summer weather together as a family...and we cherish those moments. 

Since my kayaking retreat...I've been hooked and am trying to get my family involved.

I went by myself to Hood River, OR and did a girls whitewater kayaking trip to try it again before I took the plunge and bought a boat.  And I loved it even more!
 I have so many pics to post and most are on other memory cards..but we have been camping, floating the river, bowling, riding bikes, playing games, reading books, laughing, hula hooping, pretending to be pirates, snuggling...and living it up.  We have truly made the most of our summer together. I love being a mom!

On a more serious note: There are 17 more days until my next big surgery in spokane.  I many of you think that I am recovered and doing well.  I am doing so much better than I was, but in truth, I am hurting badly. I just don't want to let that stop me from enjoying my time with my I am trying to push through it. I have been in a LOT of pain.  It frequently has me doubled over where I can't move and takes my breath away.  It is sharp, near constant, and in my lower abdomen.  I have had to give in and rely on pain meds so I don't have to lay in bed all day.  I can hurt in bed...or I can live.  I am trying to just keep moving... my kids have seen me sick enough.  I have never been excited for surgery before, but I am for this one.  I am hoping it will help with the pain.  I don't want to start the cycle over again that happened last year, but I can't keep hurting like I pray that they can fix it.  My hope is that the pain is somehow from all of the trauma in my abdomen...and not a symptom of cancer.  We are planning to do the heated chemo again if needed and I will be opened all the way up again.  I am grateful the dr. will be able to look again in every nook and cranny inside and see if anything has grown or spread.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

We are packing for another little family trip.  My last outing before a long hospital stay.  I better go for now.


Auna Leigh said...

I am so proud of you shanda. You rock! I am so happy that you are LIVING! You are such a great example. You are in my daily prayers and in my constant thoughts. I love you and know without a doubt that God loves you even more. Thank you for rocking it, keeping it real and killing it! You constantly make me want to do better! Love you!

Mike and Lisa Young said...

You are in my thoughts so often. I am praying that things go well and looking forward to positive blogs about your recovery. You are strong!!

Laurene said...

Somehow I missed a couple of posts. I am grateful for the clarifications of your upcoming surgery. Thank you!

bonbon said...

Hi Shanda,
I was just browsing through your blog. I look at it from time to time and always find it so inspiring. You are constantly in your prayers and your an example of faith to us all!