Sunday, March 11, 2012

More zumba training...and More Fun!

I'm continuing my journey in my "Life List"...and accomplished two things this week.  One was that I taught myself how to french braid.  You might laugh, but it was on my list.  And now it is checked off.

Next, I put myself out there again and spent this wekend in Portland becoming licensed to be a Zumbatomic instructor.  I already did the adult Zumba instructor training...but this was a separate class.  Zumbatomic is an amazing kids fitness program and I can't wait to start teaching it in this area.  It is really SO MUCH FUN!! I'm sore and exhausted, but excited.  I'll give you more details as they come.
I continue to show MY body that I am the boss...not cancer!


Laurene said...

Should be a lot of fun getting children excited about moving to the beat!

Cynthia Johnson said...

Shanda, you are awesome! Love you!

Shellie said...

You've come a long way, Shanda! That's awesome! :)