Sunday, July 19, 2009

Simple lesson in Forgiveness...

Many times in life, we have those small moments that could completely go over looked...but if we slow down and pay attention...they can become moments that mean a lot. This morning I had one of those moments...

Addison loves dresses, like most little girls. She love the kind that are fluffy and that are long so that they look beautiful when she spins and twirls. Her absolutely favorite dress is a purple dress that she begs me to wear frequenly, but since it isn't my favorite...she rarely gets to wear it in public. Today I had promised I would let her wear it to church and she had been excited all morning. I went to try to iron it and had forgotten to turn down the heat and I completely melted the top of her dress and ruined it. She had been sitting beside me watching...and I saw her look of dissapointment when she realized what I had done. I turned to her and apologized that I had ruined her dress. She was crushed...and her whole demeanor showed it, but she turned to me and said, "it's okay, Mommy...I still love you."

As I mentioned, it was a very simple moment, but it taught me a lot. That dress meant very little to me...but it was one of her most prized treasures...and I ruined it. But without any hesitation..she forgave me. I pray that I might learn from her example...and forgive easily!
That you sweet Addie for a precious moment today...


Aly G said...

What a cute story! I got the chills reading the story. Aren't kids soooo forgiving and they forget soooo fast too! I have alot to learn from this too!

Auna Leigh said...

WoW! Out of the Mouth of Babes! Rips you heart out, doesn't it? What a sweetheart!