Monday, January 12, 2009

Crap Happens! (Warning: Nudity and VERY disgusting images!)

Need I say more!

I just feel bad for Aana...who was also in the tub...and jumped out as fast as she could!!! I'm gagging just thinking about it!


Brent said...

Now as to why you put that picture on your blog absolutely blows me away.

Larry, Shanda, Aana, and Addison said...

Just for you Brent!!! I can tell you have been impressed with me lately...first a van...and now a poop blog!

Taz said...

The warning was too late. Once I opened the blog I had already been incensed. Are you sure that the Crap happens is the right phrase? I know you’re a germaholic, so what did you do with the toys? One more question: will Aana ever bath with her again?

Larry, Shanda, Aana, and Addison said...

THe toys have been soaking in a lysol solution that guarantees that it kills 99% of germs...blah, bah. And Aana has let me know that she now takes SHOWERS!!

Jennica said...

Not really sure what to say about that post. It was hilarious and I'm sure Addi was thinking, what are they freaking out about?

Just so you know you're not the only one, we had a similar situation happen this past year. But Carter totally freaked out about having his OWN in there floating about with him. I mean Crap does happen, ....what are we to do.

Aly G said...

I think that poop tub incident has happened to every parent at least once! It just sucks for the one cleaning it up! I feel your pain!

Kelli Proctor said...

HEY! I just saw that you had a blog! How fun! Your family is beautiful! We have one too, its if you are interested! So fun to be able to keep up with you guys!